May you safeguard your own health and well-being as vigorously as you safeguard the health and well-being of those you serve~Reverend Leslie Ahuvah Fails
Midwives Untethered Philosophy
Midwives, birth workers, caregivers, first responders-
From the beginning you have been the guardians of life…the guardians of all we hold dear, from birth unto death.
As caregivers who have given birth, and beyond, our lives, and our hearts, we know that birth is meant to be a transformative, pivotal moment in the lives of every person present, from the parents, to the new baby, to the providers who witness and guard this sacred time. We know that all healthcare is worthy of this sacredness, and the reverence given to birth should be afforded to all care.
Over the course of time healthcare has become tethered to practices that inhibit this connection to the most divine acts we know in this world.
Tethered-to machines and equipment that don’t meet the needs they were developed to meet, and often cause harm.
Tethered-to practices that were developed to serve organizations to the detriment of the people within them, both providers and the people they care for.
Tethered-to long held practices that lead to provider burnout, without any recognition of the deep humanity that it takes to do this incredibly difficult, rewarding, empowering work.
Tethered-to outdated, unsupported modalities that leads to some of the worst rates of maternal morbidity and mortality in developed nations, and some of the highest rates of burnout and despair our professions have ever seen.
Tethered-to cultural norms that keep those receiving care and those providing care unsupported, exhausted, and struggling to maintain health of body and mind
Tethered-to cultures that call on us to attack and belittle one another, in order to maintain the power structures and identity of ourselves and our own.
We know that untethering to all of these unhealthy practices can help alleviate much of the stress, burnout, and uncertainty that plague midwives and others who attend birth, and to those who provide healthcare in general. We know that it is well past time for someone to address the fact that no-one is guarding the guardians.
We believe by re-structuring how we approach healthcare, and one another, we can change the world, one provider at a time.
We want to partner with you to help bring about these changes in yourself, your practice, and your world. We want to help you bring humanity back to your healthcare and your life, in turn bringing humanity back to the beginning of human existence, where we all served as guardians.
Growth Opportunities
We offer a variety of courses to meet the clinical needs of community birth providers and EMS personnel, as well as courses to foster wellbeing for caregivers

Resuscitation untethered
Targeted to community based birth providers, these courses help you develop vital skills to successfully resuscitate babies in a community setting.

Resuscitation Untethered-EMS
Targeted to EMS, these courses help personnel develop the skills to successfully attend a birth out of hospital, care for well mothers a newborns, provide emergency care for mothers, and resuscitate a newborn born out of the hospital

Childbirth Untethered-EMS
These coursesare targeted to EMS and address birth care, care of the well mother and newborn, and basic emergency resuscitation of the newborn, but do not include an NRP card

Trauma Untethered
A four hour course cardto help birth workers begin to process their secondary trauma, and learn how to create personal habits to limit development of further trauma. Ideally taken the evening before Resuscitation untethered courrses.

Guardians Untethered
A 1-3 day coures designed to to build up your sense of connection with midwifery/caregiving while nourishing your soul and expanding your knowledge and skills