Host a Course
How to host a course-Your Role
We are excited at the prospect of working with you and your team to bring you our groundbreaking courses!
Hosting a resuscitation/clinical course
While you can get NRP in many forms from in-hospital and out of hospital formats, our course is unique in so many ways-from the experience of our instructors in EMS and community birth, to our focus on collaboration and communication throughout the resuscitation, and our midwifery informed focus on wellness of the clients and the care givers at all times.
This all day course features skills stations that focus on repeated practice of initial steps, ventilation, and compressions until muscle memory is well-developed for these skills. All aspects of NRP will be covered in the skills stations, including use of bag-valve masks, T-piece resuscitators, LMA's, intubation, medications, and I/O and UVC placement. The instructors will also help your staff navigate introduction of T-piece resuscitators, I/O placement, and other possible new skills to your birth center, and practice all scenarios in ways you would be likely to encounter in community based birth.
The time commitment for this course is different than others you may have taken. Our goal is for each learner to feel confident with both ventilation and the advanced skills, and we have found that this takes time to achieve. Instructors are available to discuss course content with birth centers to help them understand what we teach, and how it is different from courses they may have taken in the past.
At the end of the hands on course and required evaluations every learner will have access to their NRP eCard which is good for 2 years.
We only offer the Advanced NRP course, though it may be appropriate for certain individual learners to choose and obtain the Essentials e-Card (e.g. doulas, admin staff). Essentials learners will still be expected to attend/participate in the full day. If you have questions regarding if Essentials is appropriate for you as an individual learner, please contact us.
There are several reasons that we only offer the Advanced training. For years, birth centers have struggled to obtain quality Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Provider training, and when they've been able to obtain it, the training has usually been hospital-based. Preliminary PDR™ and MANAStats data, as well as CABC Sentinel Event trends show that neonatal resuscitation skills are an area that need to be addressed in birth centers across the nation. These data sets illustrate that birth center staff need to become more familiar with NRP skills and equipment. As instructors, we know the key to most successful neonatal resuscitation is effective ventilation. However, we have seen the need for advanced skills where midwives did not have the training and it may have made the difference in an outcome. We believe that the families who choose our care expect us to be fully trained and ready, and that our babies deserve every chance for life.
NARM and CABC also support learners obtaining Advanced NRP training. NARM states
“NRP Advanced is required effective March 1, 2023 for certification or recertification. NARM will continue to accept unexpired NRP Essentials (plus BLS for Health Care Providers) or NRP Advanced as meeting the NRP Requirement. Cards issued after March 1, 2023 must be for the Advanced NRP course.”
CABC indicators state
“At each birth there shall be two Clinical Staff currently trained in Neonatal Resuscitation endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics/American Heart Association, including all NRP modules, in order to provide, or assist in providing, NRP services and promote a smoother transition of care during transfer.”
If you have any questions about the content of our courses, please feel free to reach out to us. There are many ways we can modify our courses to be appropriate to your needs!
Considerations for hosting a course
Host center/group must designate a contact person to coordinate the course
Hosts are asked to ensure a room large enough to comfortably accommodate the number of attendees
Host center/group will provide equipment for drills
O2 Tanks (Compressed air, if you have it)
Resuscitation equipment available for review if you desire feedback/assistance with setup and drills with your equipment
Towels/Baby Blankets
Supplies for simulation (birth kits, gloves, syringes, needles, saline)
Minimum requirement of 8 paid learners for a one-day course. Maximum 12 learners for 1 day
An initial $500 non-refundable booking/hosting fee will be paid at the time of booking your course/reserving the dates. The remainder of the fees must be paid in full by 30 days prior to the course, or we will have to remove the course from our schedule. Additional attendees up to the maximum of 12/day can be added up to 48 hours prior to the course.
$250/per learner for American Association of Birth Center members or $300/per learner for non-members (Does not include $55 NRP/AAP Exam Fee).
We offer 1 reduced rate ($250) enrollment per course for a BIPOC midwife/student/birthworker, and are actively pursuing scholarship funding to help offer more reduced enrollment for underrepresented communities
In order to support our goal of integrating midwifery and EMS, we encourage you to invite one member of your local EMS to the course. This person will not count toward the minimum of 8 nor the maximum of 12. We offer this as a special charge of $50 for their registration. Many birth centers will pay for this as a way to build bridges and relationships with local EMS. The student can choose to get an e-Card. Paramedics should choose the Advanced course.
Host centers are asked to provide beverages and lunch for the day of the course. We will have a working lunch on site, and will NOT have time to leave for lunch. Hosts can either choose to charge all participants a fee outside of the course cost to cover lunch/snacks and venue, or to waive that cost for their employees, but charge this fee to all outside attendees in order to help cover costs.
Host centers provide accommodations for the instructor the night before and the day of the course. (2 nights). Our instructors are flexible about lodging and may be willing to stay at the birth center or someone’s home if the birth center requests.
Provide ground transportation to/from the airport
Babes in arms are welcome.
This course requires that all learners desiring an NRP card complete the online NRP 8th Edition Part 1 prior to the course. Learners must complete the online training 48 hours before the INSTRUCTOR-LED EVENT. Learners DO NOT have to get an NRP card in order to take this course. Many learners choose to take the course with their group of caregivers when they are not due (or do not desire a card). The cost is the same for the course per learner whether the learner is obtaining a card or not, as the work of teaching each learner is the same for our instructors.
If you are a midwife, a nurse or birth assistant, or a paramedic, you should register for the ADVANCED course. If you are one of two staff attending any birth at a CABC-Accredited birth center, you must complete the ADVANCED course.
If you are a CPM pursuing and renewing NARM certification you should complete the ADVANCED course.
If you are a doula, an EMT, a receptionist, or some other support role at birth, you may register for the ESSENTIALS course or the advanced course, depending upon what your facility or provider requests of you.
This online portion costs $55.00 for each individual and is in addition to the price of the course with Midwives Untethered
Hosting a caregiver wellness course
Please contact us for pricing/format options